Essential Bonsai Supplies to get the style of bonsai you desire.

There are some bonsai supplies that are required in order for your plant to be as healthy as possible. Caring for a bonsai involves a lot more than just watering your tree every now and then and watching it grow. Bonsais are works of art that require careful pruning and management in order for the tree to take the shape that you desire. When you first buy a bonsai, there are a few tools that you will want to keep on hand to ensure it is properly cared for.
These include shears, a rake, tweezers and a small broom. While the shears and rake are obvious in their gardening uses, many people do not realize the importance of both the tweezers and the broom. Unlike standard trees, a vital part of the survival of a bonsai tree is that they are kept clean. Brooming off the surface of the tree will keep the leaves and bark healthy, as well as help reveal any potential problems with the tree. If a bonsai is to have any rot on the branches or trunk, the broom can reveal this. By quick action, you can rescue a bonsai from certain death.

The tweezers are often looked at oddly by those who are not familiar with bonsai care. Of the bonsai supplies, the tweezers are vital for the removal of grass and weeds. Unlike large trees, bonsais grow in small pots, and any amount of weeds or grass can strip the tree of the nutrients it needs for survival.

Because of this, the tweezers are vital for the complete removal of damaging weeds. As the bonsais are typically small, tweezers are the only tool realistic for use as weed and grass removers.

In addition to the four basic bonsai supplies, there are many other tools that are used in the care of bonsai. While most beginners only work with the four basic bonsai supplies, advanced users will use wire pliers, and special concave clippers to help shape and grow their bonsai. As you become more skilled with your bonsai, you will find you need more of these bonsai supplies in order to get the style of bonsai you desire.

When purchase bonsai supplies, it is important that you buy high quality supplies. While lower quality supplies will function, high quality bonsai supplies are designed to last a long time. You can purchase your bonsai supplies from online stores or from your local retailer.

The Spectacular Styles of Maple Bonsai

The maple bonsai is one of the most spectacular styles of bonsai that can be grown. Typically grown outdoors, these trees provide a dazzling display of color in the spring and fall, while providing a natural beauty in the winter months. These trees are typically considered delicate, requiring a certain style of care in order to properly endure. For example, like many other bonsai, the maple bonsai must be replanted once every year or two, dependent on the type of maple that you have.
Japanese maples tend to be used, as this species of tree is traditionally associated with bonsai growing. However, as the art of bonsai growth has evolved, other forms of maple bonsai have come to the forefront, especially in the United States and Canada.

When caring for a maple bonsai, you need to learn about maple trees in general. This will assist you in making the right decisions for caring for your bonsai. Important things that you should learn include the time of year the maple is dormant, what temperatures the maple can tolerate, and what pruning needs done in order to keep your tree healthy. A maple bonsai has the same care rules as a fully grown maple of the same species.

In addition to this, a maple bonsai needs additional care due to the fact that it is grown in such a small pot. Root maintenance and potting of the tree are two aspects not typically dealt with for maples, as these trees are usually grown to their full size. Root maintenance and proper trimming is a requirement in order to maintain the health of the tree. When looking for this information, you should use resources specific to the maple bonsai tree, as typical tree tending does not include this information.

Some forms of maple bonsai do not take well to extremely cold temperatures. If you live in a region where the temperature drops below zero, you will want to ensure that your maple can survive. Frost can damage the roots, branches and leaves of the tree, effectively shortening its lifespan. A greenhouse may be required for storing your maple bonsai if you live in a colder region that goes beyond the normal habitat of these trees.

If you are interested in purchasing a maple bonsai, you can buy seeds, a seedling, or even a full grown tree through an online vendor, or you can inquire about these trees at your local garden or plant nursery.

Selecting Your Bonsai Tools to Care for Your Bonsai

There are many bonsai tools that are used when designing and caring for your bonsai trees. These tools are vital to encourage the good health of your tree, and should be used as frequently as needed to prune any dead or dying branches, care for the roots, and maintain the soil for your tree. For the novice, selecting which tools you need can be difficult.
There are many basic bonsai tools used to care for a tree, and these are typically sold as beginner sets. The four basic tools include a bonsai shear/scissor, a broom, a rake and tweezers. Typically, the highest quality tools for bonsai care are from Japan, where there are companies dedicated to the building of these tools.

When selecting your bonsai tools, there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind. First, the quality of the tools you purchase may affect how well your bonsai turns out. Low quality tools run risk of damaging your tree and leaving unpleasant looking scars on the bark of the tee. Low quality bonsai tools tend to be duller, lacking the ability to cleanly shear when needed.

A clean cut is required when you're wanting to hide evidence that the tree has had branches removed unnaturally. When setting wires, good tweezers can make the difference between a good placement and your branch being scarred from bad placement of wires.

You can buy bonsai tools from all across the world, although the vast majority of high quality, recommended bonsai tools come from Japan. When you are purchasing your bonsai tools, you can purchase low quality tools that are extremely inexpensive, or you can purchase high end tools that are designed to last for years.

The primary difference in these tools is how well they do the job, and how long they last. With proper care, high quality tools will never need replaced, as they will hold their edge for years. Low quality tools tend to go dull quickly, and run risk of breaking while being used.

For advanced users, it is recommended that high quality bonsai tools are exclusively used. For those who have worked with bonsai for many years, their tool set will be far more extensive, ranging from eight to twenty or more different tools for working with the various types of bonsai.

Bonsai tools
can be purchased online, imported from Japan, or found at local garden and hardware stores.

Innovative Bonsai Art

This is certainly a commentary on the state of nature. While I do not want to like this, that may be just the reaction the artist wants.

By Patrick Bergsma: 'My landscape sculptures started of as a modern 3D version of floating lanscapes on old porselain plates. I use the bonsai tree as a structural basis for dramatic, mysterious and playful tableaux.

Baobab Bonsai are one of the world's most fascinating bonsai.

Baobab trees grow in Africa, and are one of the world's most unusual looking trees. There are many legends revolving around the Baobab tree, among one of the most common being that the tree was cast down from heaven and grew upside down, as the canopy branches of the tree often look like roots. As the tree loses its leaves in the winter season, this characteristic is predominate during this time.

In nature, the Baobab is at risk of going extinct due to predation from animals like elephants. Domestically, many people try to grow at least one Baobab bonsai in their collection due to their odd appearance.

If you are intending on keeping a Baobab bonsai, there are several things that you will need to remember. First, these trees are extremely sensitive to temperature. They will not thrive in places that get cold. Many growers have witnessed a tree die within several days due to quick exposure to cold temperatures. If you live somewhere cold, it is vital that you store the Baobab bonsai somewhere the plant can remain warm throughout the winter season.

In addition, the Baobab bonsai should receive no water at all during the winter, as watering them in winter will cause root rot and your plant will die.

The most challenging aspect of caring for a Baobab bonsai, aside from taking care to water properly, is to acknowledge that these trees take a very long time to grow. You will not get instant results from this type of bonsai tree. You will need to take your time and carefully plan your bonsai design, and realize that these trees may take well over ten years before you will see results.

However, once designed, they make an excellent part of any bonsai collection. As they are fairly easy to care for as long as you pay attention to the plant's dormancy period, growers of any level can enjoy this tree.

If you are interested in growing Baobab bonsai, there are several things that you can do to acquire one. First, you can attempt to grow your own from a seed. Seeds can be purchased online or from specialty vendors. Seedlings and already designed bonsai can also be purchased, although shipping this type of plant can be dangerous if you are shipping during the dormancy period or to a place that has lower temperatures.

Juniper Bonsai an excellent tree for beginners.

Juniper Bonsai are one of the most versatile styles of bonsai that you can grow. Suitable for use in all styles except the broom style, this conifer tree is adaptable, takes well to wiring, and is easy to care for as long as you pay close attention to the tree. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when you tend to a juniper bonsai. First and foremost, this type of bonsai is not an indoor plant. It belongs outdoors, where it can go into a proper state of dormancy. By tending to a juniper indoors, it is unlikely to get the light it needs for survival, nor the harsher conditions it needs to thrive.

Unlike delicate tropical plants, the juniper bonsai has grown for hundreds of years in conditions most plants would not like. Because of this, it needs winter dormancy in order to be able to repair itself from any damage it took in the growing season.

The leading cause of death in juniper bonsai is that people try to keep this pine indoors. It should be kept outdoors whenever possible, and only brought in during the harshest parts of winter or during snow storms that would suffocate the plant. Once the extremely bad weather has past, your juniper bonsai should be sent back outside so it can remain in dormancy.

Juniper bonsai are extremely common, as this type of tree is so easy to care for and train. They grow quickly, allowing people to see their hard work progress, making this an excellent tree for beginners. Because of the fast grow rate, many bonsai nurseries will keep this hardy tree in stock, as it can be trained much faster than other species used in bonsai. This is also why the juniper bonsai is so common as a gift. As they are easy to care for and fast to grow, many people are comfortable giving these trees away.

If you have received a juniper bonsai as a gift, or you are interested in growing your own from a seed or seedling, you will want to keep pruning and wiring supplies on hand, as these are the most common tools you will use with your juniper bonsai. Careful pruning of new buds and excess branches and needles will help improve your design of the tree. Remember, wear gloves when working with junipers, for the needles can cause allergic reactions and irritation to the skin.

Bamboo Bonsai believed to bring luck to their owners

Bamboo bonsai is an extremely popular, easy to care for bonsai that allows growers of all skill levels work with a fast growing, beautiful plant. The most common type of bamboo bonsai found in homes is the 'lucky' bamboo, which is believed to bring luck to their owners. This variety of bamboo is hardy, and can be grown indoors or outdoors, provided that the bamboo is protected against frost. Like most species of bamboo, the plant does not thrive well in places where frost occurs.
Frost damages the bamboo and stops its growth, often shocking and killing the plant. It is for this reason that many bamboo species cannot thrive in northern climates unless they are kept indoors.

For beginners, bamboo bonsai is extremely rewarding due to the fact that the plants are so quick to grow. A new grower can start a plant and see a large amount of growth within the first year of owning the plant. This lets the beginners experiment with wiring and caring for bonsai without having to wait for five to ten years to see the results of their efforts.

There are many places that you can acquire bamboo. You can purchase it at many stores carrying plants, buy new shoots online that can be grown and transplanted into bonsai pots, or you can cut shoots from other bamboo plants and transplant them to begin your new plant. How quickly the bamboo bonsai will grow and take root is based off of the species of bonsai you are growing. Also, some species of bamboo will not take root as well from cuttings as others.

Bamboo bonsai uses many of the techniques for care that more difficult bonsai trees use. You will need the same types of tools to maintain them, and you can use the same style of wire to help guide the trunk and branches of the bamboo. When you are pruning bamboo, like many other bonsai trees, there is a certain time of year that pruning is best done at. When you prune your bamboo is dependent on the type of bamboo that you have. Each species of bamboo is different and requires different care. As many people own the 'lucky' bamboo, you will most likely want to prune your bamboo bonsai in the fall and winter, removing all of the leaves. If you are working with a dwarf bamboo, you will need to prune in the early spring before the new growth has occurred.

A Traditional Design Ficus Bonsai

If you are looking for a traditional bonsai, the ficus bonsai may be what you are looking for. This style of bonsai is highly popular in traditional bonsai designs, as the aerial root system of this family of fig is highly conducive towards design and styling. Suitable for the standard bonsai design, as well as root over rock styles, the ficus bonsai is a versatile, hardy tree that is relatively easy to care for. It can be kept indoors or outdoors, although some care is required if you intend on keeping ficus bonsai indoors.

Like many plants, ficus bonsai trees require a period of dormancy, where the plant is given time to recover from the blooming and growing season. During this period, the plant is kept in slightly colder temperatures than when it is standardly blooming. This can be done indoors, so long as the temperature near the plant remains cold enough that the tree does not come out of dormancy.

This is particularly important, as a tree coming out of dormancy too early can cause problems. It is possible for ficus bonsai to be maintained year round, although this can damage some species of ficus. If you are planning on keeping your ficus bonsai in full leaf year round, you will need to ensure that the plant does not fall into dormancy. If the tree goes into dormancy, you should arrange conditions so that the tree can stay in dormancy, as this will prevent damage to the tree.

Training ficus bonsai can be done by bonsai growers of all experience levels, which is one of the reasons this style of tree is very popular among growers. It can be sculpted into complex scenes, or guided for a more natural appearance. This allows anyone to handle one of these plants. As the ficus bonsai group contains many varieties of figs, there are species that are harder to care for, and some that are easier to care for. Because of this, you can select the type of ficus bonsai that is suitable for you.

It should be remembered that many fruits from ficus bonsai are not edible. While there are some species of ficus bonsai that can produce edible fruits, it is typically suggested against eating any fruit that might grow from your bonsai. In many cases, especially in dwarf ficus trees, the tree will never produce fruit, and fruits that are produced are too small for consumption.

Never eat a fruit from a ficus bonsai unless you have confirmation that it is not poisonous.

Design Your Perfect Bonsai Using Wire

Bonsai wire is one of the most common tools used in the design of a bonsai tree. As bonsais do not typically grow in the fashion that is desired by those making bonsai designs, bonsai wire is used to train the branches of the young tree how to grow. However, there are some things that you should consider before you begin to use bonsai wire to shape the branches and trunk of your tree.

When you use bonsai wire, you are effectively damaging the tree. When you bend the branches of the tree into the desired shape and secure them with wire, you are damaging the cells of the tree. The branch or trunk is trained to its new location by having the damaged cells heal. When they heal, the tree branch will grow in the shape you want, as that is how the cells are now formed. When you secure a branch with bonsai wire, it is important that you do not damage the tree so badly the branch breaks or the wire cuts into the bark of the tree. Both of these problems will permanently damage the appearance of the tree.

Bonsai wire should only be left in position long enough for the tree to be trained to the proper form. Once it is in the design you desire, the wires should be carefully removed. If you wired your tree properly, there will be no evidence that the tree had undergone bonsai wire design.

The hardest part of using bonsai wire is knowing which size wire to use. The wire can come in various sizes, from thin wires suitable for small dwarf seedlings, to thick wire designed for outdoor trees. Knowing which type of wire to use can be one of the most challenging aspects of bonsai tree design. If you do not have wire that is strong enough for your size of tree, it is very easy to rectify. You can use a smaller wire that is double layered. This will provide equal strength to the thicker bonsai wire and do no extra damage to the tree. This is extremely convenient, especially if you already own wire for a smaller tree and want to work on a tree that has since matured.

You can purchase bonsai wire from specialty stores and nurseries. Some hardware stores will also supply the bonsai wire you are looking for. Bonsai wire can come in either silver or brown, depending on whether you want to still be able to show your bonsai while it is being trained.

Japanese Maple Bonsai Can Live For Hundreds Of Years

Japanese maple bonsai trees are one of the most highly sought after forms of bonsai, as these highly decorative, ornamental trees have a striking appearance of red or purple, and have good branching that is often sought out for bonsai. When you are selecting your Japanese maple bonsai tree, there are several things that you will want to keep in mind.

First, the Japanese maple bonsai tree can be one of hundreds of different species of Japanese maple. Because of this, you will want to research the specific classes of trees and learn how they grow. Some maples are best suited for larger bonsai settings, with trunks of three to four inches that exclusively live outdoors. Others are more suitable for smaller bonsai. Typically, Japanese maple bonsai trees are best suited for mid range to larger bonsais with trunks ranging between one and four inches.

There are some disadvantages to using Japanese maple bonsai trees in your designs. In many of the trees, particularly landscape bonsai that live outdoors, it can take ten to twenty years to get the tree to the stage it is ready to be designed. This time frame can often turn people away from designing Japanese maple bonsai. However, there are other types of trees that you can tend to that have a shorter grow period, letting your Japanese maple mature until it is ready to be designed into the forms that you desire.

If you are planning to work with dwarf Japanese maple bonsai trees, you will need to learn leaf trimming and pruning techniques to ensure the proper growth and design of your maple. Unlike larger trees, dwarf Japanese maple bonsai are particularly sensitive to how they are trimmed. If you prune the wrong branches, you can negatively impact the growth of your plant. As the dwarf plants require more care than their larger counterparts, improper care can result in the shortened life span of your plant, or leaf sizes too large for your bonsai design. If your leaves or nodes grow in too large, you will not be able to correct this until the next growing season.

Japanese maple bonsai can live for hundreds of years with the proper care. Because of this, it is not uncommon to see these types of trees be passed down from generation to generation. If you own a Japanese maple bonsai tree, you will want to ensure that whomever will care for it next learns the proper care methods to ensure the lasting survival of the tree.

A Lot Of Things That You Need To Know About Bonsai Care

Good bonsai care is vital if you want to maintain the look and health of your tree. As bonsai trees are more work than a standard tree left to grow on its own, there are a lot of things that you need to know about bonsai care. First, because you are designing the tree to look a specific way, you need to take the time and effort to learn about the specific tree you are working with. Some species of trees have delicate branches, making them unsuitable for wiring.

Other trees do not handle the use of deadwood well, developing fatal cases of rot when this technique is used on them. Learn about bonsai care before you use any technique on a tree, as this will prevent a costly mistake killing your prized plant.

One key aspect of bonsai care is the correct watering of your tree. A bonsai is dependent on the amount of water you give it for survival. However, due to the small size of the pots, giving the trees too much water can start root rot, which is fatal in bonsai trees. Because of the careful balance required, bonsai care can be very challenging for those who have never nurtured a bonsai before.

When you start into the world of bonsai care, there are some supplies that you will want to invest in. A good pair of small shears, typically made specifically for bonsai, will allow you to prune the branches and leaves of your bonsai as needed. This is an important part of bonsai care. A rake is used to work the soil of your bonsai pot, checking for clumps and otherwise maintaining this aspect of your bonsai.

A pair of tweezers is desired to remove any leaves and other small plants from taking away precious nutrients from your bonsai. Finally, you will need a small broom to clean your bonsai. Removing dirt and keeping your bonsai clean is vital to promote good health of the tree.

A final aspect of bonsai care, that many beginners are not aware of, is learning when the proper time to prune and pot the tree is at. Each species of tree is different, and depending on when your tree is dormant and active is when you will prune your plant.

Some species need to be pruned before new buds have grown. Others need pruned as the buds are forming. Learn about your specific species of tree and prune it accordingly.

If you are attentive, bonsai care is simple, and anyone can handle caring for one of these beautiful trees.

A Few Things To Remember For Beginner To Raising A Bonsai Plant

Owning a bonsai plant can be daunting for the beginner. There is a lot that you need to keep in mind when raising and training a bonsai plant. As the bonsai grows in a small pot, they tend to be more delicate than the trees that are found growing naturally outdoors. Because of this, beginners are sometimes overwhelmed by the things they need to do to ensure their bonsai plant survives.

There are only a few things that a beginner to raising a bonsai plant needs to remember. A bonsai plant thrives best outdoors. While they can be brought inside for display, it is best to leave the plants outdoors as frequently as possible. This will ensure that the bonsai plant can go into dormancy when it is required. Dormancy is a stage where the plant goes into hibernation and recovers from any damage done to it during the growing seasons. This stage is vital for the survival of a bonsai plant, and many plants will die after several months if they cannot go into dormancy.

Once you have ensured your bonsai plant has the right growing environment, it is important that you water it properly. Because the bonsai plant grows in a small, crowded pot, the watering needs are much more specific to the bonsai than they are to the ground grown tree. You need to be able to mimic the natural conditions of the bonsai plant as it is in the wild without over watering the plant. Letting the bonsai plant dry out too much is also a common problem, which can be as damaging as over watering the plant. Striking a good balance will take effort for the beginner, but once you have learned how to care for your bonsai plant, it will become easy and automatic.

If you live in a region that is not conducive for the growth of a bonsai plant, there are some varieties of trees that can be grown indoors. These trees tend to be tropical, liking a static temperature and constant amount of sunlight year round. These trees are good for beginners, as they are typically hardy and will tolerate some errors in learning. If you are interested in growing a bonsai plant for the first time, investing in a tropical tree may be the route for you.

You can learn about your bonsai plant online, or you can inquire for more information from a bonsai nursery. Many hobbyists are social about the care of their plants, and will often share their resources.

Growing Bonsai For the First Time

Growing bonsai is a challenge for beginners, as there are a lot of steps that are involved in the growing process. However, while there are a lot of steps, the process of growing a bonsai is extremely simple if you have patience and take your time learning what you need to know. The first step in growing bonsai is to learn about the type of tree you want to grow. All bonsai trees differ from one another.

You cannot use the same care for a juniper as you would a ficus bonsai. This is because the trees grow in drastically different conditions, and require different amounts of water, light and general treatment. Learning about your specific type of tree will greatly assist you in growing bonsai.

Once you have learned about your tree, growing bonsai is pretty simple. There are several things you should remember in addition to properly watering and feeding your tree. Wiring is a key part of guiding your bonsai into growing into the shape that you desire. As bonsais are considered a work of art, growing bonsai is part skill at keeping plants alive, and part artistic talent.

When you are growing bonsai for the first time, you will want to approach aspects like wiring with caution. When growing bonsai, the wires should be placed on the tree in such a way that it causes bending without gouging or breaking the branch. This takes a subtle amount of pressure on the branch of the tree, and consideration on how to place the wires. Wires that are placed incorrectly may permanently scar the tree, damaging the overall appearance of the tree, as well as impacting its lifespan. When placing your wires, you should be careful not to place them too close between where the branch and the trunk meet, but not so far that it encourages the branch to break.

Wires should be placed at a 45 degree angle to the branch when wrapping, and the wires should be spaced evenly. Proper spacing and angles of the wires will allow the tree to modify its growing patter, and help in the design of your bonsai.

There are some supplies that you will need when growing bonsai. You will need a good soil for your tree, a proper pot with good drainage, and the basic tools for working wiring and trimming your tree. This typically is a minor investment, and most of the supplies will last you for several years. Depending on the type of bonsai you are growing, you may need to invest in other materials, especially for trees that require more delicate care.

Supplies can be typically purchased from online stores or from local bonsai nurseries.

Tips untuk Menyiram Pohon Bonsai

Menanam pohon bonsai adalah hobi menarik dan belajar bagaimana untuk menyiram dengan benar, tidak terlalu banyak dan tidak terlalu sedikit, adalah salah satu langkah yang paling penting dalam perawatan bonsai.
Tidak ada tanaman dapat bertahan hidup tanpa air dan kebutuhan bahkan lebih besar untuk pohon bonsai. Mereka tumbuh dalam wadah dangkal dengan tanah sedikit dan bergantung pada hujan dan penyiraman buatan untuk kelembaban pohon bonsai Kebanyakan mereka yang mati karena kurangnya air atau berada di kelembaban rendah terlalu lama.
Mereka mengandalkan air untuk tumbuh sebagai air yang diserap dari kompos ke akar dan kemudian nutrisi didistribusikan di seluruh pohon. Jika air tidak tersedia maka pohon akan mengering dan mati.Sejumlah faktor yang akan menentukan berapa banyak pohon bonsai memerlukan air :
Beberapa spesies akan membutuhkan lebih banyak air daripada yang lain, tanah yang berbeda akan mengering pada tingkat yang berbeda pot kecil mungkin kering lebih cepat dari pot yang lebih besar dan pot terbuat dari apa juga akan memainkan bagian dalam seberapa cepat mengering Tanaman yang akarnya sepenuhnya tumbuh akan menyerap air lebih banyak daripada pohon muda dengan akar yang lebih kecil.
Apa yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah meluangkan waktu untuk mengamati dan mengenal pohon bonsai . Ketika Anda menjadi akrab dengan mereka, Anda akan belajar ketika mereka membutuhkan air dengan melihat tanah dan warna dan pertumbuhan daun. Setiap pohon harus diperiksa secara teratur dan disiram bila diperlukan. Tanah di pot seharusnya tidak diperbolehkan untuk benar-benar kering.
Penyiraman biasanya dibutuhkan sekali atau dua kali sehari di musim panas dan mungkin setiap tiga atau empat hari di musim dingin. Meskipun mungkin ada beberapa hujan, jangan menganggap bahwa itu akan sudah cukup untuk pohon karena mungkin hanya telah dibasahi permukaan tanah. Sekali lagi, Anda perlu memeriksa setiap tanaman, pengujian tanah sekitar satu inci di bawah permukaan; Anda dapat menggunakan meter air untuk membantu Anda atau hanya menyodok jari Anda ke dalam tanah. Pagi hari adalah waktu terbaik untuk menyiram bonsai sehingga mereka siap untuk panas siang hari. Jangan hanya membasahi tanah tetapi memberi mereka perendaman menyeluruh sehingga seluruh kontainer basah dan tidak ada tempat yang kering di mana akar bisa mati.
Di Jepang mereka sering menyiram semua pohon kemudian kembali ke awal dan menyiram mereka semua lagi untuk memastikan pekerjaan dilakukan dengan benar. Biarkan air menetes keluar dari bagian bawah panci dan Anda mungkin perlu untuk menopang itu sedikit sehingga semua saluran pergi.
penyiraman lembut diperlukan; jika Anda menggunakan selang taman biasa Anda mungkin menemukan aliran air terlalu kuat dan tanah akan terkikis. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan selang maka Anda harus menyesuaikan sehingga menyemprot dengan kabut halus . Serta menyiram tanah Anda juga dapat menyemprot daun dengan air.
Daun dapat menyerap air dan semprotan akan mencuci debu atau polutan pergi. Namun, penyiraman yang berlebihan juga dapat merusak pohon bonsai; efek ini tidak akan langsung tetapi mengambil beberapa waktu untuk menjadi jelas.
Jika akar yang terus basah mereka tidak dapat menyerap udara yang mereka butuhkan untuk bernapas. Bulu bulu akar menjadi tercekik oleh kelebihan air, mereka akan mati dan akhirnya membusuk.
Tentu saja jika pohon tidak bisa mendapatkan udara dan nutrisi dari akar maka daun dan batang akan menderita dan juga akhirnya mati. Dalam waktu tertentu pohon lebih rentan sakit terhadap serangan penyakit dan serangga. Menanam pohon bonsai adalah hobi menarik dan dengan pengeringan baik , kelembaban tanah mempertahankan dan mengenal tanaman Anda, Anda pasti menemukan tantangan dalam penyiraman ini.

Memilih Bentuk Tepat Untuk Bonsai Anda

Banyak dari kita cinta untuk menanam jenis tertentu dari tanaman di halaman atau rumah kita karena warna-warna cerah dan kecantikan mereka tawarkan. Mereka yang tertantang dengan tanaman mereka cenderung berpikir tentang memiliki Bonsai. Ini adalah jenis metode yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan jenis pohon tertentu.

Salah satu bagian yang paling sulit tentang mengembangkan Bonsai adalah menentukan cara yang benar untuk membentuknya. Cara Anda membentuk pohon akan sangat tergantung pada jenis pohon yang sedang Anda cari untuk membuatnya dan apa Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan. Ada beberapa cara umum di mana Anda dapat membentuk mereka dan memahami nya akan membantu Anda untuk memilih yang benar.
Ini adalah salah satu yang paling menantang yang digunakan di pohon-pohon yang memiliki satu cabang pohon yang lazim atas semua yang lain. Cabang ini perlu bahkan dengan penuh pot tanam dan dapat berupa halus atau agak drastis.
Formal Upright
Ini adalah bentuk terkenal yang lebih biasanya digunakan dan juga dianggap sebagai lebih baik untuk memanfaatkan ketika Anda baru. Itu membuat pohon muncul hampir kuno dan mungkin digunakan pada pohon yang memiliki batang kedua tinggi dan pendek. Bentuknya lurus dengan bagian atas yang berdiri tinggi di seluruh batang dan akar.
Informal Tegak
Ini hanya seperti tegak resmi - tapi itu bisa kurva ke arah bagasi. Bagian paling atas pohon agak tinggi dan sangat lurus pangkal batang. Ini lebih atau kurang lebih sulit untuk melakukan - tetapi lebih unik.
Ini dikenal bentuk Bonsai lain yang kita digunakan untuk melihat - tetapi ini biasanya pada menangis pohon willow. Hal ini tidak dapat dimanfaatkan pada semua pohon meskipun jadi pastikan dengan toko bunga lokal Anda bahwa Anda dapat menggunakannya pada pohon yang Anda miliki sebelum Anda mencobanya.

Gaya dan Bentuk Pohon Bonsai

Jika Anda pecinta alam dan pengagum, jika Anda menyukai pohon,Anda pasti menanam pohon Bonsai .
Bonsai adalah seperti versi kecil dari pohon-pohon besar, bonsai bugenvil menjadi yang paling terkenal.

Berbeda gaya dan bentuk pohon bonsai membuat sekitarnya anggun dan penuh alami.
Ukuran dan gaya bonsai harus diingat saat memilih wadah untuk bonsai.
Ketika akan keluar untuk membeli bonsai, tiga aspek harus diingat yaitu jenis kontainer, posisi tanaman, pilihan jenis tanaman.
Bonsai tersedia dalam gaya yang berbeda. Beberapa dari mereka adalah miring, kaskade, semi-kaskade, berangin, resmi tegak dan informal tegak.
Gaya miring adalah yang paling mudah dan umum dari semua. Dalam hal ini, bagasi meluas dalam satu arah dan cabang terendah ke yang lain. gaya miring dapat dilakukan pada hampir semua pohon bonsai.
Jenis kaskade memiliki efek miring di mana bagasi vertikal dan berbalik ke satu arah. Cabang-cabang yang mengalir lebih rendah dari permukaan wadah.
Kaskade setengah agak mirip dengan kaskade. Satu-satunya perbedaan keduanya adalah bahwa bagasi secara bertahap daripada beralih ke satu arah.
Gaya keanginan tampak seolah-olah pohon telah dilanda angin bertiup kuat. Ini terlihat indah terawat.
Gaya tegak formal satu di mana batang lurus ke atas dan cabang-cabang yang lebih rendah yang lebih luas daripada yang lain.
Cabang-cabang berikutnya yang sedikit lebih sempit dari braches yang sebelumnya sehingga penampilan segitiga pohon tercapai.

Pinus, Larch, Juniper dan Spruce adalah pohon yang memiliki jenis pengaturan. Gaya tegak informal yang memberikan pohon, penampilan gerak di mana cabang atas diperpanjang ke depan bukan ke atas. Beech, Jepang Maple dan Trident Maple pohon memiliki gaya tegak informal.
Gaya ini telah dipraktekkan selama berabad-abad dan menghiasi setiap tempat dengan penampilan mereka yang unik .

Pada dasarnya empat ukuran bonsai. Ukuran ini miniatur, kecil, menengah dan rata-rata.
Miniatur bonsai adalah sekitar dua inci tinggi. Biasanya mencapai dalam waktu dua sampai tiga tiga tahun.
Bonsai kecil bisa tumbuh 3-6 inci tinggi dan memakan waktu sekitar 5-9 tahun untuk tumbuh.
Bonsai menengah tumbuh enam sampai dua belas inci tinggi. Mereka tumbuh dengan cepat dan jatuh tempo pada sekitar tiga tahun. Bonsai berukuran rata-rata bahkan dapat tumbuh untuk dua kaki, mencapai kematangan dalam tiga tahun.

Bonsai - Pengetahuan Dasar

Sebelum mengambil satu hobi membuat tanaman bonsai, harus punya minat besar untuk mengetahui mencakup apa saja hobi ini.

Pohon bonsai adalah pohon miniatur yang ditanam di dalam pot. Tujuan budaya Bonsai adalah untuk mengembangkan sebuah pohon kecil yang memiliki semua elemen dari sebuah pohon besar yang tumbuh di alam. Budidaya Bonsai dapat menjadikan kedua outlet untuk seni dan hortikultura.

Bonsai dibentuk oleh pemangkasan cabang atau dengan kabel mereka ke posisi baru.
Untuk mencapai tampilan mini, cabang dan akar harus dipangkas dan dibentuk, namun ada faktor lain yang juga penting.
Menjaga Pohon Bonsai membutuhkan banyak dedikasi. Harus berkomitmen untuk memahami mengapa setiap pohon mati dan apa yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegahnya. Belajar dari kesalahan Anda dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk mencegahnya di masa depan.

Tertarik untuk membuat Tanaman Bonsai menakjubkan,..

Mari kita lihat pada faktor-faktor lain. Tekstur batang, tampilan nya usia, dan lumut. Bahkan pot, warna memainkan peranan penting untuk memberikan ilusi pohon miniatur seperti yang terlihat di alam.

Untuk mendapatkan Tanaman Bonsai rapi dapat mengambil dalam beberapa musim. Budidaya pohon-pohon miniatur-pot adalah baik hobi menarik, dan sarana beradaptasi berbagai tanaman untuk kegunaan khusus dan dekoratif. Bonsai Pohon membutuhkan penyiraman setiap hari selama mereka ?? ulang tahap pertumbuhan. pemangkasan hati harus dilakukan sebagai tanaman berakar dalam pot dangkal.
Tanaman bonsai dapat dikembangkan dari biji atau stek. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan dari pohon muda atau dari tanaman aseli dipindahkan ke dalam wadah. Kebanyakan bonsai tingginya dari 5 cm (2 in) ke 1 meter (3,33 kaki).

Secara keseluruhan, bonsai adalah sesuatu yang sangat personal dan tidak ada aturan ketat untuk mematuhi jika Anda melakukan itu hanya sebagai hobi yang mendapatkan kenikmatan dari. Ini tidak harus menjadi komitmen mahal, tapi itu adalah komitmen yang membutuhkan sejumlah besar waktu, kesabaran, keterampilan dan daya tahan.

Meskipun hal yang mungkin tidak pergi untuk merencanakan, jangan menyerah. Ingat bahwa bonsai Jepang pernah pemula juga dan mereka telah pasti memiliki bagian mereka dari trial and error · Mengingat perawatan yang tepat, bonsai dapat hidup selama ratusan tahun. Meskipun tanaman bonsai ini sangat indah - perawatan cermat harus diberikan selama bertahun-tahun. Hal ini lebih penting bahwa pohon menghasilkan efek artistik yang diinginkan, bahwa itu berada dalam proporsi yang tepat untuk wadah yang tepat, dan bahwa hal itu berada dalam kesehatan yang baik.


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