Growing Bonsai For the First Time

Growing bonsai is a challenge for beginners, as there are a lot of steps that are involved in the growing process. However, while there are a lot of steps, the process of growing a bonsai is extremely simple if you have patience and take your time learning what you need to know. The first step in growing bonsai is to learn about the type of tree you want to grow. All bonsai trees differ from one another.

You cannot use the same care for a juniper as you would a ficus bonsai. This is because the trees grow in drastically different conditions, and require different amounts of water, light and general treatment. Learning about your specific type of tree will greatly assist you in growing bonsai.

Once you have learned about your tree, growing bonsai is pretty simple. There are several things you should remember in addition to properly watering and feeding your tree. Wiring is a key part of guiding your bonsai into growing into the shape that you desire. As bonsais are considered a work of art, growing bonsai is part skill at keeping plants alive, and part artistic talent.

When you are growing bonsai for the first time, you will want to approach aspects like wiring with caution. When growing bonsai, the wires should be placed on the tree in such a way that it causes bending without gouging or breaking the branch. This takes a subtle amount of pressure on the branch of the tree, and consideration on how to place the wires. Wires that are placed incorrectly may permanently scar the tree, damaging the overall appearance of the tree, as well as impacting its lifespan. When placing your wires, you should be careful not to place them too close between where the branch and the trunk meet, but not so far that it encourages the branch to break.

Wires should be placed at a 45 degree angle to the branch when wrapping, and the wires should be spaced evenly. Proper spacing and angles of the wires will allow the tree to modify its growing patter, and help in the design of your bonsai.

There are some supplies that you will need when growing bonsai. You will need a good soil for your tree, a proper pot with good drainage, and the basic tools for working wiring and trimming your tree. This typically is a minor investment, and most of the supplies will last you for several years. Depending on the type of bonsai you are growing, you may need to invest in other materials, especially for trees that require more delicate care.

Supplies can be typically purchased from online stores or from local bonsai nurseries.


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