Juniper Bonsai an excellent tree for beginners.

Juniper Bonsai are one of the most versatile styles of bonsai that you can grow. Suitable for use in all styles except the broom style, this conifer tree is adaptable, takes well to wiring, and is easy to care for as long as you pay close attention to the tree. However, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when you tend to a juniper bonsai. First and foremost, this type of bonsai is not an indoor plant. It belongs outdoors, where it can go into a proper state of dormancy. By tending to a juniper indoors, it is unlikely to get the light it needs for survival, nor the harsher conditions it needs to thrive.

Unlike delicate tropical plants, the juniper bonsai has grown for hundreds of years in conditions most plants would not like. Because of this, it needs winter dormancy in order to be able to repair itself from any damage it took in the growing season.

The leading cause of death in juniper bonsai is that people try to keep this pine indoors. It should be kept outdoors whenever possible, and only brought in during the harshest parts of winter or during snow storms that would suffocate the plant. Once the extremely bad weather has past, your juniper bonsai should be sent back outside so it can remain in dormancy.

Juniper bonsai are extremely common, as this type of tree is so easy to care for and train. They grow quickly, allowing people to see their hard work progress, making this an excellent tree for beginners. Because of the fast grow rate, many bonsai nurseries will keep this hardy tree in stock, as it can be trained much faster than other species used in bonsai. This is also why the juniper bonsai is so common as a gift. As they are easy to care for and fast to grow, many people are comfortable giving these trees away.

If you have received a juniper bonsai as a gift, or you are interested in growing your own from a seed or seedling, you will want to keep pruning and wiring supplies on hand, as these are the most common tools you will use with your juniper bonsai. Careful pruning of new buds and excess branches and needles will help improve your design of the tree. Remember, wear gloves when working with junipers, for the needles can cause allergic reactions and irritation to the skin.


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